Sunday 13 October 2013

[Rhys] Sword Research

First, for reference and future model/texture purposes, here's the different parts of a sword:
Regardless of what is going to be added on to the design of the sword, most if not all swords will have the same structure as in the diagram. If the blade is different, then it's not a sword. Coloring of the sword and additions depend on what is going to be added on to the sword, and what era is this sword going to be based off. (If this has been decided already I either wasn't paying attention or nobody told me.) Blade design depends on what area the sword is based on. (Ex: Fantasy). Also depends on external influences. Continued research will be conducted into these designs and their ergonomics when the direction the sword is going to be taking is decided upon.

This post will be updated continually. As of yet research direction hasn't been decided upon, so I can't really do more than this until the group comes to a decision.

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