Monday 14 October 2013

[Kyle] Group Meeting - Notes

Group Meeting – 9th October (Production Practice)

After last week’s presentation was complete, we thought we would almost self-evaluate our presentation. 
After taking the feedback from our group discussion, we decided to apply another design path to our project. Due to the uncertainties on the Gauntlet idea we would all go away and work on some designs with a sword as well as the continuation of the work on the gauntlet. As a group we thought it would be better to develop the two ideas instead on the continuation of the project with two designs.
            Developed a concrete 15 Week Production Plan – This is subject to change.

Also we talked about what work was targeted on the specifics of our weekly target. People who are working on the continuation of the chosen designs will now start to add color schemes.

·         Kyle – Continuation of the research but developing more for both weapon ideas.
·         James – Continuing with the design process coming up with more variations of our choice of gauntlet and newly added sword.
·         Jasper – Carrying on from last week on the design process of our Gauntlet and the newly added Sword.
·         Rhys – Looking into more materials and also looking into other aspects of the research with the added choice of the sword design.

The group name was discussed in short for this Production Practice assignment, we eventually agreed on the name:

  • ·   Cute Cake Studios

Taking inspiration for the logo from the Japanese word Kawaii which means adorable and the art style that goes with that. 

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