Monday 28 October 2013

[Rhys] Sword Hilt Research

Sword Hilt Reference 1: Extravagant design with idea on how to present final product 

 Sword Hilt Reference 2: Incorporating  interesting designs on to the sword hilt guard while keeping design simple.

Sword Hilt Reference 3: Different swords with interesting guards I found

Sword Hilt Reference 4: Interesting Design with hand guard idea - ergonomically sound design.

Sword Hilt Reference 5: Interesting Design, plain and simple. 

Sword Hilt Reference 6: Sword Hilt with Sword Knot 
(Prevents user from dropping sword as it is wrapped around the hand)

Sword Hilt Reference 7, 8 and 9: How a sword hilt fits into a hand. Different angles, relates to ergonomic research.

Sword Reference 10: How a hand grips different handle types. 

[Aidan] Early Colour Concepts

Friday 25 October 2013

[Kyle] Group Update - Fri 25th

After our usual feedback sessions we talked about a couple concepts we had gathered and working to the selected few. This ultimately will help with the decision process for our final design.

  • Continuation with the develop some digitised version of the sword designs
  • Feedback sessions to determine what final design we would like to work to
  • The research needs to be continued and collected
As we strive to meet these targets for this week. Accomplishing these goals will push our group to continue on the correct path that coincides with our original production plan, minor to a few changes.

Sunday 20 October 2013

[Jasper] Colour Theory

There are three main groups of colours - warm, cool and neutral colours.
These three groups have a range of colours spread across the spectrum, representing symbolism and a variety of different meanings. This is widely used to convey specific themes.
Below are some examples of colours and what they symbolise or mean.
The colours used for our weapon design will be determined by the team with a theme that we see fit for use.

[Aidan] Sword Concepts

Few concepts, brah.

Saturday 19 October 2013

[Rhys] - Colour Research

While researching colouring for the crystal, I found this simple yet extensive colour wheel of different types of gems. Although the diagram does not specify which gem is which specific colour, it helps give a rough idea of how the different gems are coloured in general. Colour spectrum specifics will need to have more in depth and extensive research done on it, but until what material the crystal blade is going to be made out of is decided, extensive research into the field is redundant seeing how large of an area gem colourisation is. Since this is a fantasy weapon, having a rough idea of how different gems are coloured will help for making decisions on how we can improve on the idea (if we're even going for an existing element for the blade, it could very well be a made up element but that still requires research and a basis to make things easier (for referencing and such), but that has yet to be decided.)

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[Kyle] Group Update - Fri 19th

After an in depth discussion about our design process, we have decided to continue on with the creation of a blade. This lead the whole group on a path towards our chosen design of the Crystal Sword (Working Name). Pushing this design forward over our previous endeavours. (Gauntlet) & (Sword)


  • Develop some digitised version of the sword designs
  • Acquire information on the proposed colour schemes
  • Continuation of research 

I will post weekly updates, keeping the understanding of what we completed weekly allowing us to complete our work.

Monday 14 October 2013

[Kyle] Group Meeting - Notes

Group Meeting – 9th October (Production Practice)

After last week’s presentation was complete, we thought we would almost self-evaluate our presentation. 
After taking the feedback from our group discussion, we decided to apply another design path to our project. Due to the uncertainties on the Gauntlet idea we would all go away and work on some designs with a sword as well as the continuation of the work on the gauntlet. As a group we thought it would be better to develop the two ideas instead on the continuation of the project with two designs.
            Developed a concrete 15 Week Production Plan – This is subject to change.

Also we talked about what work was targeted on the specifics of our weekly target. People who are working on the continuation of the chosen designs will now start to add color schemes.

·         Kyle – Continuation of the research but developing more for both weapon ideas.
·         James – Continuing with the design process coming up with more variations of our choice of gauntlet and newly added sword.
·         Jasper – Carrying on from last week on the design process of our Gauntlet and the newly added Sword.
·         Rhys – Looking into more materials and also looking into other aspects of the research with the added choice of the sword design.

The group name was discussed in short for this Production Practice assignment, we eventually agreed on the name:

  • ·   Cute Cake Studios

Taking inspiration for the logo from the Japanese word Kawaii which means adorable and the art style that goes with that. 

Sunday 13 October 2013

[Jasper] Existing Gauntlet Designs & New Sword Designs

[Rhys] Sword Research

First, for reference and future model/texture purposes, here's the different parts of a sword:
Regardless of what is going to be added on to the design of the sword, most if not all swords will have the same structure as in the diagram. If the blade is different, then it's not a sword. Coloring of the sword and additions depend on what is going to be added on to the sword, and what era is this sword going to be based off. (If this has been decided already I either wasn't paying attention or nobody told me.) Blade design depends on what area the sword is based on. (Ex: Fantasy). Also depends on external influences. Continued research will be conducted into these designs and their ergonomics when the direction the sword is going to be taking is decided upon.

This post will be updated continually. As of yet research direction hasn't been decided upon, so I can't really do more than this until the group comes to a decision.

[James] Gauntlet & Swords Designs.

Saturday 12 October 2013

15 Week Production Plan Version 1

15 Week Production Plan

This is our 15 week plan outlining what will be done in the various stages. All stages are subject to, and probably will be, changed.

Research and sketches will be constantly done throughout the 15 weeks. Unless specified, research will be into design on the weapons themselves. The design focus will shift, but research into the design will continue throughout.

Week 1:

After being placed into our groups, we had to collaborate and design a weapon. After discussion, we came up with the idea of creating a gauntlet.

  • Started creating basic designs
  • Outline of what to include in the overall design
  • Beginning of research
  • Outline of the 15 week production plan

Week 2:

After presenting to our peers, we held a group discussion and decided on adding another design process to our project. We decided on creating a sword while developing the gauntlet. In week 5, the final product will be decided.
  • Presented last week's work
  • Collected Feedback from tutor
  • Added another design process to our project
  • Completion of the first iteration of the 15 week plan.

Week 3:

This week we plan on developing our design and also starting to research into potential colour schemes.Throughout the whole project research will be continued and ideas presented on the blog. 
  • Present and collect feedback on work done in week 2
  • Continued development on our weapon designs
  • Research into colour schemes

Week 4:

Continued on the development path related to colour schemes. Talk about why we chose those schemes and present them on our designs. 
  • Present and collect feedback on work done in week 3
  • Continued research into colour schemes 
  • Annotation of design process so far
  • Provide example design with colour schemes present.

Week 5:

Finalisation on which design the group will focus on. The decision will be made between the sword and the gauntlet. 
  • Present and collect feedback on our work done in week 4.
  • Decision on what design we want to take forward.
  • Apply final colour scheme to the chosen design

Week 6:

This week we will have chosen our desired design, moving into presenting the final the deisgn with a color scheme
  • Present and collect feedback on work done in week 5
  • Decide final design 
  • Apply color scheme to final design 
  • Prepare final design presentation

Week 7:

This week we will have finished our digital version of the final design
  • Present and collect feedback on work done in week 6
  • Finishing touches to the digital copy of our design
  • Applying this method to all digital work.

Week 8:

This week we will collect feedback from our tutor and peers about our final digitalised designs. Working to complete 3d modelling .
  • Present and collect feedback on work done in week 7
  • Apply our design to 3d modelling.
  • Prepare for next weeks presentation, showing our 3d model so far.

Week 9:

This week we will have completed the 3d aspect of our design
  • Collect all 3D source materials ready for presentation. 
  • Prepare all project elements for the final presentation

 Week 10:

This is the week that we will self review our own personal work within the group and how we think we have performed and how we can improve.
  • Present and collect feedback
  • Have all self-review finished. 
  • Complete of all research and paper based documents
  • Collection of all valid work to the project for final project presentation and porfolio.

Week 11:

This week will be dedicated to the completion of all individual reports. Collection of all valid and final work for final presentation.
  • Present and collect feedback
  • Collection of all final work to be uploaded to the blog 
  • Also completion of the individual reports

Week 12:

This week will be dedicated to the collection and creation of the final work presentation and exhibition of our final work.

Week 13:

Gather feedback on everything from concept drawings to final presentation.

Week 14:

This is the week where we will have to dedicate time to ironing out any remaining and outstanding issues with the project.

Week 15:

This is the week that we will have to hand in the project and the individual reports/self-evaluations and present the final project.